Canadian immigration program, British Columbia

The British Columbia is one of the provinces of British Columbia, located in the western part of the country. The population of British Columbia is about 26 million people, almost a populated city. The climate of British Columbia is pleasant in all four seasons and has its own peculiarities. Its winters are mild, temperate, and summers are warm and dry. The climate is very sweet in the spring of British Columbia. the capital is the city of victoria Vancouver is the most populous city in the province, and is the largest city in the province. The province has a state – approved state education system. from the first level universities in this province , we can mention the university of british columbia , simon fraser university and victoria university , which attracts researchers and scientists around the world . Several winners of the Nobel Prize in Medicine, Physics and Economics are a graduate of the University of British Columbia. british columbia , having a rich natural environment , diverse cultural and economic community with stability , provides investment opportunities in many sectors of agriculture , forestry , mining , natural gas , tourism , transport and technology . the high level of living , economic and welfare facilities for the province has left the province as a destination for most immigrants so that they annually enter the province annually .Having a high standard of living, the province’s highly desirable economic and social facilities make it a destination for more immigrants, with 30,000 to 35,000 immigrants entering the province each year.


The unemployment rate in the governorate has reached its lowest level: 4.5 % in the last 30 years. This has led the province to be a good place to find work. due to declining population in recent years , british columbia tried to attract immigrants through immigration programs and to accelerate the issuance of visas . It is one of the migration programs to obtain the Canadian visa.


* bachelor’s degree

* Without the need for language degrees

* Age between 21 and 60 years

*assets valued at 600 thousand dollars (stocks, real estate, cash, bank stock)

* Having a minimum of 3 years of senior management experience or ownership of 25 % of business shares

* minimum $ 200,000 investment in canada

*Time range of 1 to 1.5 years


o Online Registration

o admission to pool

o selected from pool

o For the documents and business plan of the plan.

o Invite an interview

o Visa 2 – year – old visa

o For permanent residence

Permanent residence of spouse and child under 22 years
Enjoy citizenship rights from the very beginning
Free education
Health services
 2 years business opportunity

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